While many Christians shy away from discussing matters of possessions and prosperity, others have been taught a false “prosperity gospel” that equates faithfulness to financial well-being. In a world full of bad theology regarding prosperity, it is important that Christians approach this issue using the Word of God. In this session of Secret Church 8, Pastor David Platt provides a gospel-centered approach to issues of wealth and poverty. Throughout this sermon, Pastor David Platt explains how the foundational truths of the gospel allow Christians to rightly understand possessions and prosperity. These fundamental gospel truths include the character of God, the sinfulness of man, the sufficiency of Christ, the necessity of faith, and the urgency of eternity.

  1. The Character of God
  2. The Sinfulness of Man
  3. The Sufficiency of Christ
  4. The Necessity of Faith
  5. The Urgency of Eternity.