What is the Great Imbalance? Why does it matter for Christians around the world? In this session of Secret Church 21, Pastor David Platt calls us to consider how we think about missions funding in light of unreached people groups around the world. There are around 8 billion people on earth, of those over three billion are unreached, meaning they have zero access to the gospel.

Most of them will be born, live and die without ever hearing about Jesus. That’s around 40% of the world’s population. Every single people group can be put in one of two categories: reached or unreached. The Great Commission involves taking the number of unreached people groups to zero. Of these missions resources—people and money already specifically set aside for missions to the nations— only 1% of the money and 3% of the missionaries go to unreached people in the world. That means 99% of our missions money and 97% of our missionaries are going to people who already have the gospel. This is the Great Imbalance.

  1. Four Truths
  2. Three Problems
  3. Two Conclusions
  4. One Prayer