“I think you’d make a good church planter.”

I was surprised when a fellow pastor said that to me. I had never before considered the idea of planting, yet it turned out that God was in it.

If the idea of planting a church with the Global Methodist Church has crossed your mind, I invite you to explore it. You do not need to wait for an invitation from a bishop or a presiding elder in order to do so. Rest assured, you won’t be alone; scores of pastors and lay persons are expressing interest and taking first steps.

And you won’t be alone because The River Network, as a strategic partner of the Global Methodist Church, will also come alongside you. Leaders at The River Network provide three essential steps for prospective church planters: assessment, training, and coaching. While it is possible to start a Global Methodist congregation without taking these steps, research shows success is much more likely if planters engage in all three.

The approach of the River Network’s leaders is, “You can do it, we can help.” We won’t advocate for a particular model of church plant; that is up to you and God. We want to empower you to fulfill the vision God has given you. Some may pursue a house church model; others will aim to launch large. Others will target a unique people or language group. We celebrate all forms of Christ-centered, Wesleyan churches. We will encourage full-time, bi-vocational, and lay church planters.

Where does one begin in the planting process?

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