“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph. 5:19–20)

Awakening movements have always been marked by honest encounters with the presence of Jesus—nurtured by songs of adoring worship.

Worship is an expansive topic that includes all the worship expressions of the body of Christ throughout history—from our most liturgical worship expressions to the most contemporary musical worship expressions of today.

Our focus here, on leading worship for an encounter with Jesus, will be primarily on the contemporary musical worship expressions common to many churches today, and on those environments in which the singing of the songs of worship creates a space for lingering in the presence of God—in thanksgiving, adoration, prayer, ministry, surrender, and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit.

What does it mean to lead worship for an encounter with Jesus today? Are there principles or best practices that can help worship leaders in any tradition move beyond mere worship performance, beyond even leading great worship music and sincere, enthusiastic sets—into truly leading a room full of expectant believers into an experience of the presence of Jesus? Said another way, what does it mean to lead worship for awakening—an awakening of hearts, homes, churches, and cities—to the person and presence of Jesus?
