You may be starting this with the thought: Well, I’m definitely a Christian. I gave my life to Jesus a long time ago. I go to church, and I try to be a good person. But the question is not if you became a Christian somewhere along the way. The issue is whether you are awake now. Are you growing in faith or is it behind the glass on the fire alarm that says, “Break Glass in Case of Emergency”? Is faith something to get you through the difficult times or is it the orienting reality and organizing principle of your whole life? It’s important to be honest about this.

There is a difference between belief and faith, though the terms are often conflated. Many a Christian has some level of belief in God, yet they have fallen asleep at the wheel of faith. They acknowledge the Christian faith, but they do not trust Jesus Christ or relate to him in any meaningful way.

It shouldn’t surprise us. Before the ink on the scrolls of the New Testament was dry the followers of Jesus were already drifting off to sleep. It’s why Paul wrote things like: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you” (Eph. 5:14).

He was writing to believers who had fallen asleep at the wheel of faith.
