Welcome to the Christian Missions 101 course! We utilize these key missions teachings in each of our missionary training programs because they make up the DNA of Global Frontier Missions. Each short whiteboard video and accompanying materials provide insight as to the “why” not just of Global Frontier Missions, but of missions in general. 

Each of the Christian Missions 101 lessons have been compiled into a 5-week small group study called Step In that is ideal for your Bible study, Sunday school class, missions committee, or church. Our goal is to have 1,000 people go through Step In annually! Will you lead a group through this relevant missions Bible study? If so, we will ship the Bible study books to you for FREE in our effort to mobilize more people for the Great Commission!

Working together to spread the word of God’s glory among all nations, GFM’s YouTube channel has already reached over a quarter million people. Please share the videos and resources from the Christian Missions 101 course on social media or other avenues as we raise awareness and advocate for the unreached people groups of the world.

These video resources are now available in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Czech, Portuguese, and Swahili on our YouTube Channel. We're always looking to make these videos more accessible to those around the world. If you'd like to help get these resources in other languages, let's connect!