The Great Commission Community
We represent over 53,000 staff members of organizations, churches, and businesses engaged in the Great Commission.

Catalyzing relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission Community.
Our vision is a collaborative network of deep relationships, shared learning, and innovation among those doing cross-cultural evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. 

At Missio Nexus you will learn what you cannot learn anywhere else, meet people you otherwise won’t meet, and engage in a community like none other.

Our Contribution
We seek to contribute value to our members through five distinct but related channels:

  1. Relationships: We are an association of Great Commission churches and organizations in North America that focuses on the global Great Commission. As a member of Missio Nexus, we desire that each member meets peers, colleagues and mentors who are working toward similar goals.
  2. Shared Learning: Each member of Missio Nexus has something to offer to others. Together, we know much more than we do alone. Missio Nexus is a catalyst for broadly and generously sharing ideas about the Great Commission.
  3. Ideas and Innovation: Through Missio Nexus you will be exposed to new ideas, out-of-the-box thought leaders, and unique solutions faced by others pursuing the Great Commission.
  4. Great Commission Advocacy: The gathering of mission focused churches and organizations gives Missio Nexus a body of subject matter experts who can advocate within the North American Church for a proper emphasis on the Great Commission. Together we can do more in emphasizing God’s love for all peoples.
  5. Collaborative Action: Unlike industry trade associations, Missio Nexus members are cooperative, not competitive. Missio Nexus creates opportunities for launching joint solutions to problems faced by our members who are often facing the same set of issues.